We have to talk… fostering a feedback culture
What is feedback? The definition of feedback according to oxford dictionary is described as the “Information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, which is used as a basis for improvement.“ In this article I am focusing on feedback related to human interactions. We can find feedback within families, friends, at…
Setting goals and actually achieving them…
Recently I have been invited to the Podcast „Health up your Life“ to talk about setting goals and actually achieving them. There are really a lot of great tools and methods out there about how to set and measure goals but the actual process of achieving goals is something very individual and less considered within…
We all are leaders…
Becoming an extraordinary leader Everybody is talking about leadership and about our expectations that we have towards our leaders. There is a big lack of good role models which makes it even harder to get an understanding of what good leadership even means. It’s also easier to point the finger at someone else above you…
Warum meine Meditation ein unersetzbarer Teil meiner Morgenroutine ist…
Die morgendliche Meditation ist schon seit längerer Zeit voll im Trend. Die positiven Auswirkungen der fernöstlichen Tradition werden mit Hilfe der modernen Medizin durch wissenschaftliche Studien bestätigt, und sind somit nicht mehr von der Hand zu weisen. Bevor ich angefangen habe mich mit dem Thema der Meditation zu beschäftigen, hatte ich das Bild von einem…