In my classes I invite you to explore your inner world. It is my deepest desire to create a safe space for you to have your very own, unique experiences.
About Yoga
I am teaching traditional tantric Hatha Yoga, according to the traditional progressive system. My classes always consist of Asana practice, Savasana (deep relaxation), Pranayama (breath) and Meditation to create a safe framework. The classes are carefully designed to achieve a very specific energetic effect.
In the first stage of traditional Hatha Yoga we focus on calming down the mind, turning inwards and becoming an observer. By observing our thoughts and emotional reactions we create an understanding and awareness of ourselves. Bringing our body into specific poses and combining it with the breath creates specific calming effects. The poses are typically held for a longer time to get used to being comfortable in uncomfortable situations. The long hold also provides the opportunity to observe and explore our minds in depths.
In the second stage we start cultivating sensitivity and awareness of the energy we need to become powerful. Through the controlled direction of the breath we become aware of “Prana” (the vital life force) that is surrounding us at any time. Its really important to understand that we first have to calm the mind before we start generating energy, because this energy will intensify anything which is there within ourselves – no matter if we like these aspects or not. If we are stressed and irritated, these sensations will be fuelled by the power we generate. If we are clear and at ease, we can use the energy wisely.
In the third stage we combine the calm mind with the cultivated energy and direct it in a specific way – which is ultimately the definition of power: “the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way”. This goes way beyond the yoga mat – this is about how to live a life of awareness and power.
In my classes I invite you to explore your inner world. It is my deepest desire to create a space for you to have your very own, unique experiences.